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Mèches en bois avec support en métal


  • EAN: 4006166826474
  • Marque: Knorr Prandell
  • Couleur: Nature
  • Disponibilité: 14 pièce

Prix: 8,80 €

incl. TVA hors frais d'expedition


Informations sur les produits

Wooden wick with metal wick holder, 1.5x15cm

- Wooden wicks made from birch veneer for making DIY candles

- With a soft crackling effect

- For glass and metal pots

- For moulding with paraffin wax lenses

Tips for use:

- Insert the wooden wick individually or twice into the metal base and place in the vessel

- Shorten the wooden wick depending on the size of the vessel, then pour on the wax

- Before lighting, shorten the wooden wick to approx. 1 cm above the wax


20 wooden wicks (1.5×15cm each)

20 metal wick holders (1.6×1.2×1cm each)