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Special Collection

41 Items found

Glass bell jar with hanger on wooden plate

5.50 € 4.68 €
including VAT and exclusive shipping costs

Glass with 2-piece lid 200ml

4.10 € 3.49 €
including VAT and exclusive shipping costs

Heart board with clamps 5x4,6cm

4.10 € 3.49 €
including VAT and exclusive shipping costs

Iceland Moss 50g

3.15 € 2.68 €
including VAT and exclusive shipping costs

Insert disc - economy jar

1.90 € 1.61 €
including VAT and exclusive shipping costs

Insert disc - shaker

1.90 € 1.61 €
including VAT and exclusive shipping costs

Insert disc - tea light

2.50 € 2.13 €
including VAT and exclusive shipping costs

Mini table board 7,5x2x6cm

1.90 € 1.61 €
including VAT and exclusive shipping costs